For those extremely curious, (and I know you are out there), about where the magic takes place, this is a tour of my writing Lair.

The Desk:
There is none. I can’t work at a desk, and I refuse to work at a desk. Instead, I have my couch and my coffee table. It’s perfect, because I can sit up with I am on a roll, or I can lie down when I have a block.

The inspiration:
Ah, my creative application. Third time’s a charm. When I’m lying down on my couch, I look up at you to keep in mind the challenges of getting to where I am.

The Distraction:
Darts. I’m getting pretty good. There’s also a TV and a guitar.

The Reminder:
My past work: a constant reminder that I can do this, and I have done this. I’m proud of my work and I want to keep making more.

The Fuel:
Enough said.